



現在就每天就來練習一兩句  持之以恆 此篇也會不定期更新唷!





一、我是This is from 


This is Jasmine from the sales department .我來自營業部的 jasmine     


二、請問我可以與~~通話嗎?  May I speak to~


請問我可以與Wood 通話嗎? May I speak Mr. Woods?
三、我可以留言嗎? Can I leave a message? 


Can I leave a message for Mr. Brown? 我可以留言給Mr. Brown嗎?
Can I leave a message on your mobile phone?我可以在你的手機留語音訊息嗎?
Can I leave a message in his voice mail?我可以在他的語音信箱中留言嗎?
四、~我可以回電給您嗎? Can I Call you back~?


Can I Call you back later? 晚點回電可以嗎?
Can I Call you back in ten minutes?我可以10分鐘過後再回電給你嗎?


五、您能否告訴我~ Could you tell me,please? 


Could you tell me your name, please?你能否告訴我你的名字嗎?
Could you tell me email address? 您能否告訴我你的電子信箱



六、 Coule you repeat~, please?關於~ 你可以再說一次嗎?


Could you repeat that, please?你可以再說一次?
Coule you repeat the question, please?你可以再說一次問題嗎?


七、I'm afraid ~不好意思


I'm afraid he is not available at the moment. 不好意思! 他現在不在位置上
I'm afraid  she is not at work, She's out sick. 不好意思他今天請病假沒有來上班



八、Hold on a second 請稍等


Hold on a second.Let me check that.請稍等我幫你確認一下
Hold on a second and I'll transfer you.請稍等我幫你轉接




九、Talk to you  再聯絡


Talk to you soon  盡快再聯絡
We'll talk to you later. 稍後我們再聯絡



十、This is ~speaking . How can I help you ? 我是~請問有什麼可以為你效勞?


This is he speaking . How can I help you ? 
Hello , this is Denis King speaking. How can I help you? 您好我是Denis King請問有什麼可以為你效勞?






十一、 Can you give me a an estimate on  ? 你可以提供給我~的報價嗎?

Can you give me a an estimate on the item ?你可以提供給我此品項報價嗎?

Can you give me a an estimate on this component? 你可以提供給我此零件的報價嗎?



十二、 I'd like to place an order for~我想要訂購

 I'd like to place an order for some goods 我想要訂購10000隻手機

 I'd like to place an order for 1000 mobile phones. 我想要訂購一些商品



十三、Can you ship~by?你可以經由~運送嗎?

Can you ship it by air? 你可以經由空運運送嗎?

Can you ship the order by rail?你可以經由火車運送訂貨嗎?



十四、How soon can you deliver~你何時出貨

How soon can you deliver the chairs?ˇ椅子你何時可以出貨?

How soon can you deliver the car? 車子你何時可以出貨?



十五、What's the warranty period for ~? 保固期是多久?

What's the warranty period for this LCD monitor?這個LCD螢幕保固期是多久?

What's the warranty period for batteries?電池的保固期是多久?



十六、broke down~故障了

The server broke down. 伺服器故障了

The cash machines broke down. 提款機故障了



十七、Can I get a refund on~我可以退費嗎?

Can I get a refund on this ? 我可以將這個退費嗎?

Can I get a refund on this postal order?我可以將這個郵政匯票兌現嗎?



十八、I'm working as 我擔任~

I'm working as  a consultant part-time.我擔任兼職顧問

I'm working as  a Web designer.我擔任網路設計師



十九、At any rate`不管怎樣~

At any rate, this plan should be adjusted.不管怎樣,這計畫需要再調整

At any rate, I still do not agree with you.不管怎樣,我依然無法同意你



二十、讓我總結 Let me sum up~

Let me sum up my main points again .讓我再次總結我的主要重點

Let me sum up my argument.讓我總結我的論點






二十一、我想招待你~ I'd like to treat you to

I'd like to treat you to lunch. 我想招待你用午餐

I'd like to treat you to lunch to thank you for all your help. 為了感謝各位的幫忙我想要招待大家用午餐


二十二、我真的非常喜歡~ I really enjoyed~

I really enjoyed the offee. 我真的非常喜歡這餐,謝謝你

I really enjoyed the meal .Thank you. 我真的喜歡咖啡


二十三、請不要忘記 Don't forget~

Don't forget to email us a detailed project plan. 請不要忘記以MAIL 寄給我詳細的專業計畫

Don't forget to we think of you  as our closest business partner. 請不要忘記我們將你視為我們最親近的事業夥伴



二十四、The purpose of my visit is to~ 訪問的目的是

The purpose of my visit is to meet with a client. 我訪問的目的要見一位客戶

The purpose of my visit is to purchase some goods. 我訪問的目的是要採買一些商品



二十五、We're planning to ~ 我們計畫將

We're planning to call  meeting call a meeting 我們計畫召開會議.

We're planning to call  meeting move up the meeting date. 我們計畫將會議日期提前



二十六、Let's start with ~讓我們從~開始

Let's start with the biggest issue. 讓我們從最大的議題開始

Let's start with the marketing issue. 讓我們從行銷議題開始


二十七、This product is designed to~ 此產品設計成~

This product is designed to assist students.此產品是被設計成來幫助學生

This product is designed to increase work efficiency. 此產品設計是被設計成用來提高業務效率的



二十八、What's the price of~ 的價格是

What's the price of this model? 此型號價格是多少?

What's the price of a one - carat diamond ring? 這一克拉鑽石價格是多少?



二十九、It's time to think about~是思考 ~的時候

It's time to think about  our ultimate objective. 現在是思考我們終極目標的時候了

It's time to think about  the benefits to be gained. 現在是思考獲利的時候了



三十、At any rate,~不管怎樣~

At any rate. this plan should be adjusted 不管怎樣,這計畫需調整

At any rate, I still do not agree with you. 不管怎樣我,依然無法同意你





Dear Pinky,

Attached Please find our quotation for your reference.

Should you have any query, please email me



三十二、you can ask me questions ~你可以向我提問




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